James O'Neill's Blog

July 1, 2016

Just enough admin and constrained endpoints. Part 2: Startup scripts

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamesone111 @ 1:36 pm

In part 1 I looked at endpoints and their role in building your own JEA solution, and said applying constraints to end points via a startup script did these things

  • Loads modules
  • Hides cmdlets, aliases and functions from the user.
  • Defines which scripts and external executables may be run
  • Defines proxy functions to wrap commands and modify their functionality
  • Sets the PowerShell language mode, to further limit the commands which can be run in a session, and prevent new ones being defined.

The endpoint is a PowerShell RunSpace running under its own user account (ideally a dedicated account) and applying the constraints means a user connecting to the endpoint can do only a carefully controlled set of things. There are multiple ways to set up an endpoint, I prefer to do it with using a start-up script, and below is the script I used in a recent talk on JEA. It covers all the points and works but being an example the scope is extremely limited :

$Script:AssumedUser  = $PSSenderInfo.UserInfo.Identity.name
if ($Script:AssumedUser) {
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source PSRemoteAdmin -EventId 1 -Message "$Script:AssumedUser, Started a remote Session"
Import-Module -Name PrintManagement -Function Get-Printer

#HIDE EVERYTHING. Then show the commands we need and add Minimum functions
if (-not $psise) { 
    Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet,Filter,Function | ForEach-Object  {$_.Visibility = 'Private' }
    Get-Alias                                       | ForEach-Object  {$_.Visibility = 'Private' }
    #To show multiple commands put the name as a comma separated list 
    Get-Command -Name Get-Printer                   | ForEach-Object  {$_.Visibility = 'Public'  } 


    $RemoteServer =  [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateRestricted(
    $RemoteServer.Commands.Where{($_.Visibility -eq 'public') -and ($_.CommandType -eq 'Function') } |
ForEach-Object {  Set-Item -path "Function:\$($_.Name)" -Value $_.Definition }

#region Add our functions and business logic
function Restart-Spooler {
    Restarts the Print Spooler service on the current Computer
    Restarts the spooler service, and logs who did it  

    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Restart-Service -Name "Spooler"
    Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source PSRemoteAdmin -EventId 123 -Message "$Script:AssumedUser, restarted the spooler"
#Set the language mode
if (-not $psise) {$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = [System.Management.Automation.PSLanguageMode]::NoLanguage}

Any action taken from the endpoint will appear to be carried out by privileged Run As account, so the script needs to log the name of the user who connects runs commands. So the first few lines of the script get the name of the connected user and log the connection: I set-up PSRemoteAdmin as a source in the event log by running.  
New-EventLog -Source PSRemoteAdmin -LogName application

Then the script moves on to the first bullet point in the list at the start of this post: loading any modules required; for this example, I have loaded PrintManagement. To make doubly sure that I don’t give access to unintended commands, Import-Module is told to load only those that I know I need.

Private functions (and cmdlets and aliases)
The script hides the commands which we don’t want the user to have access to (we’ll assume everything). You can try the following in a fresh PowerShell Session (don’t use one with anything you want to keep!)

function jump {param ($path) Set-Location -Path $path }
(Get-Command set-location).Visibility = "Private"
cd \
This defines jump as a function which calls Set-Location – functionally it is the same as the alias CD; Next we can hide Set-location, and try to use CD but this returns an error
cd : The term 'Set-Location' is not recognized
But Jump \ works: making something private stops the user calling it from the command line but allows it to be called in a Function. To stop the user creating their own functions the script sets the language mode as its final step 

To allow me to test parts of the script, it doesn’t hide anything if it is running in the in the PowerShell ISE, so the blocks which change the available commands are wrapped in  if (-not $psise) {}. Away from the ISE the script hides internal commands first. You might think that Get-Command could return aliases to be hidden, but in practice this causes an error. Once everything has been made Private, the Script takes a list of commands, separated with commas and makes them public again (in my case there is only one command in the list). Note that script can see private commands and make them public, but at the PowerShell prompt you can’t see a private command so you can’t change it back to being public.

Hiding external commands comes next. If you examine $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Applications and $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Scripts you will see that they are both normally set to “*”, they can contain named scripts or applications or be empty. You can try the following in an expendable PowerShell session

ping localhost
ping : The term 'PING.EXE' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet function, script file, or operable program.
PowerShell found PING.EXE but decided it wasn’t an operable program.  $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Applications.Add("C:\Windows\System32\PING.EXE") will enable ping, but nothing else.

So now the endpoint is looking pretty bare, it only has one available command – Get-Printer. We can’t get a list of commands, or exit the session, and in fact PowerShell looks for “Out-Default” which has also been hidden. This is a little too bare; we need to Add constrained versions of some essential commands;  while to steps to hide commands can be discovered inside PowerShell if you look hard enough, the steps to put in the essential commands need to come from documentation. In the script $RemoteServer gets definitions and creates Proxy functions for:


I’ve got a longer explanation of proxy functions here, the key thing is that if PowerShell has two commands with the same name, Aliases beat Functions, Functions beat Cmdlets, Cmdlets beat external scripts and programs. “Full” Proxy functions create a steppable pipeline to run a native cmdlet, and can add code at the begin stage, at each process stage for piped objects and at the end stage, but it’s possible to create much simpler functions to wrap a cmdlet and change the parameters it takes; either adding some which are used by logic inside the proxy function, removing some or applying extra validation rules. The proxy function PowerShell provides for Select-Object only supports two parameters: property and InputObject, and property only allows 11 pre-named properties. If a user-callable function defined for the endpoint needs to use the “real” Select-Object – it must call it with a fully qualified name: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Object (I tend to forget this, and since I didn’t load these proxies when testing in the ISE, I get reminded with a “bad parameter” error the first time I use the command from the endpoint).  In the same way, if the endpoint manages active directory and it creates a Proxy function for Get-ADUser, anything which needs the Get-ADUser cmdlet should specify the ActiveDirectory module as part of the command name.

By the end of the first if … {} block the basic environment is created. The next region defines functions for additional commands; these will fall mainly into two groups: proxy functions as I’ve just described and functions which I group under the heading of business logic. The end point I was creating had “Initialize-User” which would add a user to AD from a template, give them a mailbox, set their manager and other fields which appear in the directory, give them a phone number, enable them Skype-For-Business with Enterprise voice and set-up Exchange voice mail, all in one command. How many proxy and business logic commands there will be, and how complex they are both depend on the situation; and some commands – like Get-Printer in the example script – might not need to be wrapped in a proxy at all.
For the example I’ve created a Restart-Spooler command. I could have created a Proxy to wrap Restart-Service and only allowed a limited set of services to be restarted. Because I might still do that the function uses the fully qualified name of the hidden Restart-Service cmdlet, and I have also made sure the function writes information to the event log saying what happened. For a larger system I use a 3 digits where the first indicates the type of object impacted (1xx for users , 2xx for mailboxes and so on) and the next two what was done (x01 for Added , x02 for Changed a property).

The final step in the script is to set the language mode. There are four possible language modes Full Language is what we normally see; Constrained language limits calling methods and changing properties to certain allowed .net types, the MATH type isn’t specifically allowed, so [System.Math]::pi will return the value of pi, but [System.Math]::Pow(2,3) causes an error saying you can’t invoke that method, the SessionState type isn’t on the allowed list either so trying to change the language back will say “Property setting is only allowed on core types”. Restricted language doesn’t allow variables to be set and doesn’t allow access to members of an object (i.e. you can look at individual properties, call methods, or access individual members of an array), and certain variables (like $pid) are not accessible. No language stops us even reading variables 

Once the script is saved it is a question of connecting to the end point to test it. In part one I showed setting-up the end point like this
$cred = Get-Credential
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name "RemoteAdmin"       -RunAsCredential $cred `
-StartupScript 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\EndPoint.ps1'
The start-up script will be read from the given path for each connection, so there is no need to do anything to the Session configuration when the script changes; as soon as the script is saved to the right place I can then get a new session connecting to the “RemoteAdmin” endpoint, and enter the session. Immediately the prompt suggests something isn’t normal:

$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName localhost -ConfigurationName RemoteAdmin
Enter-PSSession $s
[localhost]: PS>

PowerShell has a prompt function, which has been hidden. If I try some commands, I quickly see that the session has been constrained

[localhost]: PS> whoami
The term 'whoami.exe' is not recognized…

[localhost]: PS> $pid
The syntax is not supported by this runspace. This can occur if the runspace is in no-language mode...

[localhost]: PS> dir
The term 'dir' is not recognized ….

However the commands which should be present are present. Get-Command works and shows the others

[localhost]: PS> get-command
CommandType  Name                    Version    Source
-----------  ----                    -------    ------
Function     Exit-PSSession
Function     Get-Command
Function     Get-FormatData
Function     Get-Help
Function     Get-Printer                 1.1    PrintManagement                                                                                        
Function     Measure-Object
Function     Out-Default
Function     Restart-Spooler
Function     Select-Object

We can try the following to show how the Select-object cmdlet has been replaced with a proxy function with reduced functionality:
[localhost]: PS> get-printer | select-object -first 1
A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'first'.

So it looks like all the things which need to be constrained are constrained, if the functions I want to deliver – Get-Printer and Restart-Spooler – if  work properly I can create a module using
Export-PSSession -Session $s -OutputModule 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\remotePrinters' -AllowClobber -force
(I use -force and -allowClobber so that if the module files exist they are overwritten, and if the commands have already been imported they will be recreated.)  
Because PowerShell automatically loads modules (unless $PSModuleAutoloadingPreference tells it not to), saving the module to a folder listed in $psModulePath means a fresh PowerShell session can go straight to using a remote command;  the first command in a new session might look like this

C:\Users\James\Documents\windowsPowershell> restart-spooler
Creating a new session for implicit remoting of "Restart-Spooler" command...
WARNING: Waiting for service 'Print Spooler (Spooler)' to start...

The message about creating a new session comes from code generated by Export-PSSession which ensures there is always a session available to run the remote command. Get-PSSession will show the session and Remove-PSSession will close it. If a fix is made to the endpoint script which doesn’t change the functions which can be called or their parameters, then removing the session and running the command again will get a new session with the new script. The module is a set of proxies for calling the remote commands, so it only needs to change to support modifications to the commands and their parameters. You can edit the module to add enhancements of your own, and I’ve distributed an enhanced module to users rather than making them export their own. 

You might have noticed that the example script includes comment-based help – eventually there will be client-side tests for the script, written in pester, and following the logic I set out in Help=Spec=Test, the test will use any examples provided. When Export-PsSession creates the module, it includes help tags to redirect requests, so running Restart-Spooler –? locally requests help from the remote session; unfortunately requesting help relies on a existing session and won’t create a new one.

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